Königswinter, Siebengebirge and Linz (day trip)



Guided Excursions and Day Tours

South of Bonn on the right bank of the Rhine is the picturesque wine town of Königswinter. From here you reach Germany's first nature reserve, the Siebengebirge. High above stands the Hotel Petersberg, in the course of history often the scene of political discussions. With the oldest cog railway, on the donkey path or on foot you can climb the hill to the Romanesque castle ruin Drachenfels to enjoy the wonderful view into the Rhine valley. At the end of the 19th century, the Bonn stockbroker Stephan von Sarter had the Drachenburg built at half height of the Drachenfels, a bizarre museum in which the history of the Nibelungen is depicted, among other things. About 20 km south of Königswinter lies Linz, the colourful city on the Rhine, characterized by half-timbered houses, narrow alleys, beautiful squares, medieval city gates and a castle complex. The Rhine ferry will then take you by bus to Remagen, a town of Roman origin. This gained fame, among other things, through battles fought by Allied troops and German soldiers, which were held at the Remagen Bridge towards the end of the Second World War. The preserved black bridgeheads still dominate the banks of the Rhine today. The return journey to Cologne is then along the Rhine. (German: price for 2018: EUR 430 / prices for 2019: EUR 460) (Foreign language: price for 2018: EUR 530 / prices for 2019: EUR 560)


01.01.2017 - 25.03.2030

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Getting there

Königswinter, Siebengebirge and Linz (day trip)
Kardinal-Höffner-Platz 1
50667 Köln