Arty Farty Gallery




A creative space in Cologne

Insider tip, art space, creative hub for fresh art: with the aim of simply embedding art in urban life and thereby shedding any elitist notions that might be attached, the Arty Farty Gallery has set up shop in Ehrenfeld to regularly showcase urban and contemporary art. The gallery also hosts DJ sets and BBQs as a casual starting point for a cool evening. This is how people like you, people who are interested in art and culture, come together: at the bar with art gallery, at the art gallery with bar. One way or the other.

Useful Information


Dayoff: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday, Closed all holidays


  • for individual guests

Payment Options

Entrance Free

Parking facilities

The Arty Farty Gallery is located in Cologne-Ehrenfeld.


Getting there

Arty Farty Gallery
Vogelsanger Straße 195a
50825 Köln